Heesen, B. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with R: Applications for Business Analytics. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler.The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. Book-ISBN: 978-3-658-45391-6
Heesen, B. (2024). Effective Strategy Execution: Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power BI (3rd edition). Berlin: Springer.The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. Book-ISBN: 978-3-662-68806-9
Heesen, B. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning mit R: Anwendungen im Bereich Business Analytics [Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with R: Applications for Business Analytics]. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler.The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. Book-ISBN: 978-3-658-41575-4
Heesen, B. (2021). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Methodenwissen für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler (4. Auflage)[Working Scientifically: Methods for Students in Business, Engineering and Social Sciences (4th edition)]. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de or Springer. Book-ISBN: 978-3662625477 -
Heesen, B. (2020). Academic writing in APA-Style: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA-Style 7th edition (2nd Edition). Wolframs-Eschenbach: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.com or Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-15-5. -
Heesen, B. (2020). Bachelor- oder Masterthesis erfolgreich schreiben: Für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler (3. Auflage) [Writing a successful Bachelor- or Master thesis: For business-, engineering, and social sciences]. Wolframs-Eschenbach: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-14-8. -
Heesen, B. (2019). Bachelor- oder Masterthesis erfolgreich schreiben: Für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler (2. Auflage) [Writing a successful Bachelor- or Master thesis: For business-, engineering, and social sciences]. Wolframs-Eschenbach: Prescient. ISBN: 978-3-945156-11-7.
Heesen, B. (2018). Academic writing with Microsoft Word: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA style. Wolframs-Eschenbach: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-09-4. -
Heesen, B. (2016). Big Data Analytics: Revolutionizing strategy execution. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-07-0. -
Heesen, B. (2016). Academic writing with Word 2016: Effective writing using the template Thesis2016E. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-03-2. -
Heesen, B. (2016). Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word 2016: Gute Arbeiten zeitsparend auf Basis der Word-Vorlage Thesis2016 erstellen [Writing academic papers and theses with Word 2016: Creating solid academic theses effectively using the word template Thesis2016]. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-04-9. -
Heesen, B. (2016). Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word 2013: Unkomplizierte Anleitung zur Word-Vorlage Thesis2013D hilft Studierenden schnell eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mithilfe von Microsoft Word anzufertigen, 2. Auflage [Writing academic papers and theses with Word 2013: Easy to follow instructions on how to use the template Thesis2013D helps students to write an academic paper or thesis with Microsoft Word, 2nd edition]. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-05-6. -
Heesen, B. (2016). Effective Strategy Execution: Improving Performance with Business Intelligence (2nd edition). Berlin: Springer.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.com or Amazon.de or Springer. ISBN: 978-3-662-47922-3. -
Heesen, B. (2015). Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA Style: Easy to follow instructions using the Microsoft Word template Thesis2013E help students to properly apply the standards published in the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual using Word 2013. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.com. ISBN: 978-3-945156-01-8. -
Heesen, B. (2014). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Methoden für das Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsstudium (3. Auflage) [Working Scientifically: Methods for Bachelor-, Master- and Doctorate Programs (3rd edition)]. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de or Springer. Book-ISBN: 978-3-662-43346-1 and E-Book-ISBN: 978-3-662-43347-8. -
Heesen, B. (2014). Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word 2010: Unkomplizierte Anleitung zur Word-Vorlage Thesis2010D hilft Studierenden schnell eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mithilfe von Microsoft Word anzufertigen [Writing academic papers and theses with Word 2010: Easy to follow instructions on how to use the template Thesis2010D helps students to write an academic paper or thesis with Microsoft Word]. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-02-5. -
Heesen, B. (2013). Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word 2013: Unkomplizierte Anleitung zur Word-Vorlage Thesis2013D hilft Studierenden schnell eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mithilfe von Microsoft Word anzufertigen [Writing academic papers and theses with Word 2013: Easy to follow instructions on how to use the template Thesis2013D helps students to write an academic paper or thesis with Microsoft Word]. Nuremberg: Prescient.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 978-3-945156-00-1. -
Heesen, B. (2013). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Methoden für das Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsstudium (2. Auflage) [Working Scientifically: Methods for Bachelor-, Master- and Doctorate Programs (2nd edition)]. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler. ISBN: 978-3-642-34673-6.
Heesen, B. (2012). Effective Strategy Execution: Improving Performance with Business Intelligence. Berlin: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-642-19204-3.
Heesen, B. (2010). Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Vorlagen und Techniken für das Bachelor-, Master- und Promotionsstudium [Working Scientifically: Templates and Techniques for Bachelor-, Master- and Doctorate Programs]. Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-642-03375-9.
Heesen, B. (2006). Diffusion of innovations: Factors predicting the use of E-Learning at institutions of Higher Education in Germany. Berlin: Dissertation.De.
The book can be ordered at Amazon.de. ISBN: 386-6-24235-6.
Book Chapters:
Heesen, B. (2020). Business Analytics: Enabler einer strategischen Unternehmensführung [Business Analytics: Enabler for leading an organization strategically]. In M. Lang, & M. Müller, Von Augmented Reality bis KI: Die wichtigsten IT-Themen, die Sie für Ihr Unternehmen kennen müssen [From augmented reality to KI: The most relevant IT-topics your organization needs to know about] (pp. 119-141). München: Hanser.
The book can be ordered atAmazon. ISBN: 978-3446459151. -
Heesen, B. (2013). Strategische Überlegungen aus der Sicht eines Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers [Strategic aspects from a business perspective]. In Studenski, F., Berton, Birr, Neues Entgeltsystem in der Psychiatrie [New compensation system in the psychiatry] (pp. 3-7). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
The book can be ordered at Amazon. ISBN: 9783834941640. -
Heesen, B. (2010). Business Intelligence: Correlating Performance to Communication. In R. Schuttler & J. Burdick (Eds.), The Laws of Communication: The Intersection Where Leadership Meets Employee Performance (pp. 141-152). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
The book can be ordered at Amazon. ISBN: 9780470503362. -
Heesen, B. (2007). Innovation: Einrichtung eines neuen Studiengangs an einer Fachhochschule [Innovation: Introduction of a new Academic Program at a University of Applied Sciences]. In W. Benz, J. Kohler, & K. Landried (Eds.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre [Handbook of Quality in Studies and Teaching] (E8.7, pp. 1-43). Berlin, Germany: Raabe.
The book can be ordered at Raabe-Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre. ISBN: 3-8183-0207-3. -
Heesen, B. (2005). Qualitätsmanagement Standards in den USA [Quality management standards in the USA]. In W. Benz, J. Kohler, & K. Landried (Eds.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre [Handbook of Quality in Studies and Teaching] (F8.1, pp. 1-18). Berlin, Germany: Raabe.
The book details can be found at Raabe-Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre. ISBN: 3-8183-0207-3. -
Heesen, B. (2005). Qualitätsmanagement: Begriffsdefinition und Relevanz an Hochschulen [Quality Management: Definition of the Term and its Relevance at Universities]. In W. Benz, J. Kohler, & K. Landried (Eds.), Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre [Handbook of Quality in Studies and Teaching] (C1.3, pp. 1-29). Berlin, Germany: Raabe.
The book details can be found at Raabe-Handbuch Qualität in Studium und Lehre. ISBN: 3-8183-0207-3. -
Heesen, B. (2005). Case Study: Strategic Enterprise Management at International Manufacturing Corporation. In R. M. Stair, & G. W. Reynolds (Eds.), Principles of Information Systems (7th ed.), pp. 666-667. Mason, OH: Thomson.
The book can be ordered at Amazon. ISBN: 0-619-21561-5. -
Heesen, B. (2004). Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen: Bedeutung für Forschung, Lehre und Management [Quality Management: Relevance for Research, Teaching, and Management]. In B. Berendt, H.-P. Voss, & J. Wildt (Eds.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre [New Handbook of University Teaching] (I4.2, pp. 1-24). Berlin, Germany: Raabe.
The book details can be found at Raabe-Handbuch Hochschullehre. ISBN: 3-8183-0206-5. -
Heesen, B. (2004). Den Wandel von traditioneller Lehre zu medienbereicherter Lehre erfolgreich gestalten [Making a Successful Transition From Traditional Teaching to Media-enriched Teaching]. In B. Berendt, H.-P. Voss, & J. Wildt (Eds.), Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre [New Handbook of University Teaching] (D3.8, pp. 1-24). Berlin, Germany: Raabe.
The book details can be found at Raabe-Handbuch Hochschullehre. ISBN: 3-8183-0206-5.
Conference Presentations with Proceedings:
(double-blind peer-reviewed)
Heesen, B. (2014, Jan). Analytical applications and Business Intelligence: Challenge and opportunity. 12th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference (EBES Conference Singapore). Singapore, January 9-11, 2014, p. 72.
The conference details are available at 12th EBES Conference Singapore. -
Heesen, B., Hilmer, M. & Simon, T. (2010, Feb). Integration von SAP Customer Relationship Management in der Lehre [Integration of SAP Customer Relationship Management in the Curriculum]. 2010 Multiconferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik [Multi-conference Information Systems] - Track: ERP-Software in der Lehre [Track: ERP-Software in the Curriculum]. Göttingen, Germany, February 23-25, 2010, pp. 1685-1696.
Conference details are available at MKWI 2010. Click here to view the article in PDF-format. -
Heesen, B. (2006, Aug). Factors Influencing the Adoption of E-Learning at Universities in Germany. 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, August 11-16, 2006.
Conference details are available at Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2006. -
Heesen, B. (2006, Feb). Temporary Financial Assistance for Entrepreneurs in Germany: Success Factors of Subsidized Startups. 3rd AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Auckland, New Zealand, February 8-10, 2006, pp. 1-26.
Conference details are available at International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange 2006 -
Heesen, B. (2004, Sep). Entrepreneurship at Universities: Managing the Introduction of a new Executive MBA Program. 4th International Entrepreneurship Forum Conference „Entrepreneurship: Contexts, Locales and Values“ (IEF). Paris, France, September 22-24, 2004, pp. 1-19.
Conference details are available at International Entrepreneurship Forum 2004. -
Heesen, B. (2003, Sep). Introducing Innovation in Higher Education: Experiences From the Platform-Evaluation to the Implementation of E-Learning. 10th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation (ECITE). Madrid, Spain, September 25-26, 2003, pp. 307-316.
The proceedings can be ordered at ECITE 2003. -
Heesen, B. (2003, Jul). Using Web-Technologies to Change From a Traditional Classroom to a Blended Learning Environment, Analyzing Acceptance Through Student Surveys. 9th International Conference of European University Information Systems (EUNIS). Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2-4, 2003, pp. 292-296.
Conference details are available at EUNIS.
Heesen, B. (2003, Dec). Innovation and Change Management in Higher Education. 9th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training (ONLINE EDUCA). Berlin, Germany, December 3-5, 2003, pp. 140-146.
The conference details are available at Online Educa Berlin. -
Heesen, B. (2003, May). Using Web-Technologies to Change From a Traditional Classroom to a Blended Learning Environment, a Case Study From the University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen/Germany. 3rd Conferencia Internacional de la Educación y de la Formación Basada en las Tecnologías (ONLINE EDUCA). Barcelona, Spain, May 5-7, 2003, pp. 14-18.
Conference details are available at Online Educa Spain.
Academic Journals:
(double-blind peer-reviewed)
- Heesen, B. (2006, Apr). Entrepreneurship at Universities: Managing the Introduction of a new Executive MBA Program, Industry and Higher Education 20(2), pp. 75-86.
The journal website is available at Industry and Higher Education. - Heesen, B. (2006, Feb). Success Factors of Subsidized Startups in Germany. In L.M. Gillin, Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship Research Report Series 3(1), pp. 1-26. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.
The journal website is available at Regional Frontiers.
Heesen, B. (2014, Oct). Big Data Management: Stand der Innovationsadoption [Big data management: Adoption rate of the innovation], ERP Management (3/14), pp. 61-63.
The journal website is available at ERP Management. -
Heesen, B. (2013, Sept). Analytische Anwendungen und Business Intelligence: Chance und Herausforderung [Analytic applications and Business Intelligence: Challenge and Opportunity], ERP Management (3/13), pp. 24-26.
The journal website is available at ERP Management.
The article can be read at Google. -
Wolf, B. & Heesen, B. (2006, Mar). RFID Einsatz im Mittelstand [RFID Applications in Mid-Sized Companies], PPS Management 11 (1/06), pp. 40-43.
The journal website is available at PPS Management.
Professional Journals:
Heesen, B. (1995, Mar). Migration auf Standardsoftware erfordert gute Planung: Big Bang oder Schritt für Schritt[Converting From Custom Software to Packaged Software Requires Solid Planning: Selecting the Big Bang or Step-by-Step Approach], Business Computing (3/95), pp. 47-49.
Interviews and reports in Journals and Research Reports:
- Heesen. B. (2019, Sept). Herr im Datenmeer: Machine Learning, KI und Co. machen es möglich [Managing Big Data: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and more make it possible], in DILK, IT geht in Führung: Die neue Rolle der IT-Entscheider [IT goes into the lead position: The new role of IT leaders] (p. 15). The article is available at DILK-IT geht in Führung.
- Olympiastützpunkt Bayern (2016, December). 10 Jahre Studiengang für Spitzensportler [10 years anniversary of study program for TOP athletes]. In OSP-Report 04/16 [Report of the Olympic Center], p. 14. The journal website with the article is available at OSP-Bavaria.
Hochschule Ansbach (2016). Lehre 4.0: Innovative Lernförderung [Teaching 4.0: Innovative learning support]. In 20 Jahre Hochschule Ansbach [20 years Ansbach University], p. 26-27.
More details are available at 20 Jahre Hochschule Ansbach. - Business intelligence and business excellence (2013). In Bericht zu angewandter Forschung, Innovation und Transfer 2013, Hochschule Ansbach, pp. 43-48.
More details are available at AnsbachUniversity-Research. -
Olympiastützpunkt Bayern (2010, December). Gold für die ersten Absolventen der FH Ansbach [Gold for the first graduates from Ansbach's university]. In OSP-Report 04/10 [Report of the Olympic Center], p. 16.
The journal website with the article is available at OSP-Bavaria. -
Hochschullehrerbund (2008, June). Profil Hochschulstudium und Spitzensport: Olympiade in China mit Ansbacher Beteiligung [Profile university study and sport: Olympic Games in China with participation of Ansbach students]. In Die Neue Hochschule [The New University] Heft 2/08, pp. 12.
The journal website with the article is available at DieNeueHochschule. -
Winkler, M. (2008, Mar 19). Trends in Data Analysis: A Job for the Intelligence Services, SAP INFO 150 (3-4/08), pp. 26-27.
The journal website is available at SAP Inside Access.
The article can be viewed at SAP Inside Access. - Winkler, M. (2008, Mar). Trends in der Datenanalyse: Den Nachrichtendienst einschalten [Trends in Data Analysis: A Job for the Intelligence Services], SAP INFO 150 (3-4/08), pp. 24-26.
The journal website is available at SAP INFO.
The article can be viewed via PDF-File.
Invited Academic Presentations:
- Heesen, B. (2017, Aug). Teaching Big Data Analytics (Professional Development Workshop). 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, August 4-8, 2017. Information about the PDW is available at Teaching Big Data Analytics.
Heesen, B. (2016, Aug). Teaching Big Data Analytics (Professional Development Workshop). 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, August 5-9, 2016.
Information about the PDW is available at Teaching Big Data Analytics. -
Heesen, B. (2016, Aug). Teaching Academic Writing in APA Style (Professional Development Workshop). 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, August 5-9, 2016.
Information about the PDW is available at Teaching Academic Writing in APA Style. -
Heesen, B. (2005, Oct). Game-Based Learning: Using the Software Simultrain in a Project Management Course. Trinationaler Marktplatz Virtuelle Lehre auf der 68. Bundesdekanekonferenz Wirtschaftswissenschaften [Tri-National Marketplace for Virtual Teaching at the 68th Conference of Deans of Business Administration]. Ansbach, Germany, October 21-22, 2005.
Information about the Conference of Deans is available at Deans Conference Germany - Management & Economics.
The presentation is available via PDF-File. - Heesen, B. (1999, Dec). ERP & E-Commerce – New Initiatives for the Year 2000 and Beyond. WITS-Conference 1999(Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems). Charlotte, NC, December 11-12, 1999.
The presentation is available at http://www.utdallas.edu/~sumit/wits99/InvitedTalks.htm.
Invited Presentations at Conferences:
Heesen, B. (2019, Oct). Herr im Datenmeer: Machine Learning, KI und Co. machen es möglich [Managing Big Data: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and more make it possible]. IT-Leiter Kongress 2019 - Düsseldorf.Information about the IT-Leiter Kongress is available at IT-Leiter Kongressprogramm.
Heesen, B. (2001, Jun). Learn How the Next Generation of HRMS Works – eHR, Employee Self Service and Mobile Solutions. International Association for Human Resource Information Management – Annual Conference United States/San Diego.Information about IHRIM is available at IHRIM US.
Heesen, B. (2000, Nov). Learn How the Next Generation of HRMS Works – eHR, Employee Self Service and Mobile Solutions. International Association for Human Resource Information Management – Annual Conference Canada/Toronto.Information about IHRIM is available at IHRIM Canada.
Heesen, B. (2000, May). Upgrading Checklist. American SAP User’s Group – Annual Conference/Atlanta.
Information about ASUG is available at ASUG. -
Heesen, B. (1996, May). Human Resource Implementation: Project Management Strategy and Experiences. American SAP User’s Group – Annual Conference/Atlanta.
Information about ASUG is available at ASUG. -
Heesen, B. (1995, Mar). Migration in die SAP R/3 HR-Umgebung, Ablösung von Paisy, R/2 4.3, Comet, Individualsoftware [Conversion From Paisy, R/2, Comet or Custom Software Solutions to SAP R/3 Human Resources]. CEBIT Center for Office and Information Technology Annual Trade Show/Hannover/Germany.
Information about CEBIT is available at CeBit.